Cancellation is available according to certain terms of cancellations provided here. Therefore, it will be appropriate to have a look at the policies to understand the standards of the next step beforehand.
Its time now, to boast a little and let you know that we boast of high customers satisfaction ratings. But we know that no two customers are the same and each has a different story. Thus, we provide cancellation services.
Now and then, the customers may be forced by factors that they cannot control to cancel their orders, if that happens.
How to cancel orders on our portal?
This is true because, we have made steps for the cancellation process simple and you can easily cancel your membership at anytime. Just like that, you may also cancel by placing a call at our helpline. However, in both of them the client is expected to give the reason for cancellation.
After you have cancelled your order and fulfilled the conditions herein hereunder stated policies you will receive a cancellation invoice from us.
How do we refund our cancellation orders and requests?
Initially the team inspects the concerned policy norms when they receive the cancellation request. Following that, we need to look at the volume of the order and coordinate the process with the delivery and logistics department.
On refunds however, we only cater for online transactions. We shall then post the amount back to your account. We don’t accept cash or draft. Therefore, you will have to provide details such as your banker’s details and other details we need for effecting the transaction.
And if the candidates have entered wrong bank account details, it is not our fault. And the same applies to other details as well; if they are inactive, then we are not responsible either.
An order placed online to cancel at our portal take at least 7 working days to work. From the time it is instructed on our portal, it will take seven working days for it to be active that is cancellation.
Also, it means that we can not undertake the responsibility if, they do not appeared back to the account within 7 working days. You should contact your bank and not us.